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How We Represent You

The Story

The Time is Now is an independent brand dedicated to furthering the conversations, empowering the people, and making it known that the time is now for change.


How we do so is by creating products that embody our beliefs in a material format. Whether that’s your simple everyday T-shirt, patches to adorn a battle jacket that would make a protesting punk proud, aesthetically pleasing stationary to write out your feminist manifesto on.



We're inspired by the unfortunate past events that has lead us up to this point. Where inequality was the norm and oppression followed suit. But where we still rebelled that in our own way. Whether that was the Suffragettes going on hunger strikes, and the thousands ominous of pink triangle posters stating 'SILENCE = DEATH' that adorned Manhatten in the Aids Crisis. Or more recently the 'Black Lives Matter' movement itself, #MeToo protests to end sexual violence, and the Women's March in its entirety. Mainly we're inspired by the words we use when in crisis, how we convey our own message in our subtly, or even abruptly. Therefore we aim to do the same, in our own unique way that can inspire others too.  



Our company is based on a specific inequality. But instead is against anything going on in today's society that puts people in a place where they’re not seen as equal. This company merges and changes as the time does. Hopefully, with combined efforts, there will be a day where we are not necessarily needed and are purely aesthetics. Until then we will rival and revolt against the imbalance while raising awareness for those that cannot themselves. 




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